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i farted


it just keeps crashing

that's ur pc lol


If this is not your work as everyone said, it is so sad to hear and also sad not to be able to reach this scary woman while I was playing  this game(;o;)

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(april 2019) years after excitation there still exists longing valued appreciation for the combined efforts presented.  unknown origins of the remake lacking appeal, having stored away carefull previous "installations" and comparisons it is cloudy yet apparent the possible definition.  solely the most complete journey of familiar walls and objects, a scripting narrative narrowly missing any reason for denial.  confusion among the representations still, which is real that imitation or further?  lastly, darkness engine incomparable even as performance is lost through the maze of reduction.



Every P.T. PC Remake Gameplay 1080p60fps | Downloads In Description - YouTube

Very good game very scary

this is not yours lmao stop trying to take credit for Radius Gordello's work. It's good that you re-uploaded it but you have listed "it took me 2 years to make" when you have put no work into this


I tried to find the original remake made by Radius Gordellos but did it get taken down or something because I cannot find it.


It has been taken down, unfortunately this is one of the few ways left to download it.

Can we have the project we can use the assets for our games please?

Game is nice.please add ending


Hey JackBugajski20!

I'd never had the opportunity to play P.T. before so thank you for your hard work! Here's a gameplay video if you're interested in watching as my friend heckles my progress.

Thanks again!


Hi there, I recently played your game (AGAIN, because I played it before but on slower PC) and I must say.... it feels incredibly AMAZING to have played a P.T game that is VERY NEAR to the PS4 version. If you had the Lisa animation with the door and the character kneeling down to pick up flashlight, it would've been PERFECT!

(Your game is the first game I play in this 3 Random Games/3 Spooky Games (WHATEVER IT'S CALLED lol))

Love the remake, you did soooo well!! One thing, can you please try to animate the ghost closing the door on you while you're peering inside please? Once you do that, the remake will be a pc masterpiece.

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I played this years ago on Playstation, and really looking forward to the VR on my pc now. So thank you for remaking this, im sure it wasnt easy. i would've paid.. but im a broke mf..  the only problem im having is the motion controllers dont seem to work? 

Edit.. maybe its just been awhile and i forget there isnt a whole lot of interactions..  with controls that is.